Sunday 5 January 2014


THIS 2014 new year for every one ..
even for me
NEW year for ME .
people changed ...
priorities changed ...
perspective towards happiness changed ...
 I never knew that I could be .. what I am now ...
and I will never know that I can be What I am destined to be .... (as destiny bought me here till date) .....
after one semester..
i.e sicks months .. of life .(still didnt recover)...
I discovered a very disastrous weapon....
and that's me...
i can make people happy being a joker ... damaging your sadness for a while .....
i can be a poet make you feel the love i write about .. distracting your hatred for a while ...
i can be a teacher showing you what not to be by being them ....
and yes ....
I can be anything of how i want to portray myself ....
a DOG can never be GOD ....
a tree can never fly ....
and a fish can never run...
they should be them ... following their rules of nature ....
but we HUMANS ....  can be anything we want to ... is I who once built a TAJ MAHAL ..
 it is I who first landed on MOON ..
it is I who once killed ravana and became god ..
it is I who became RAVANA and died ....
it is I whose smile was the reason for kuruksethra ... (paanchaali)
it is I  who was hung on a  cross for my kindness ..(jesus)
it is I who called the world for war for second time (hitler)
it is I who ran a mile within two minute where once my legs were dead  (glenn cunnin ham)..
its all I ...
I Am a super power ..
i will be what i do .think. aspire. and want to BE
i am everything and I
 live in everything ....
i am human .. i am human ....  Si.Cho